Charities helping each other

The donation of hand-made items has been operating for quite a few years on a small scale.  Member Wendy Goldsmith has been donating knitted, crocheted items for a while.
       The year after the Lismore floods to send a substantial collection of handmade items to Wardell community hub which had been set up for victims of flood recovery. This donation was warmly received. The Wardell organisation has since received Australian award.
      Last year we donated knitted and quilted items to the Salvation Army here in Noosa at their headquarters. It was done informally.
      This year we really wanted to donate more of our goodies and so our Vice-President Gabi Dick called Irene Rogers of Waves of Kindness.
      Last week photos were taken of Wendy and our group of Knitters. The donations on the table have doubled since then. as there were also donations from former NSACA members mostly from Knitting and Quilting groups.
      The main organisers have been Wendy Goldsmith, Sarah McConkey and Irene Baker-Finch.
      From the Quilting group, we had donations of newly made quilts and many are made using donated fabric and pieces from their own cupboards. 
      All these donations have taken many hours to make and are made lovingly in the hope that the recipients can feel some of the love we are sending and in some small way remind them that they are not forgotten.