Escape to the ocean with Lizzie Connor – August 19


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6 – Week workshop  – begins August 19 – Member $180   Non-Members $210 – Tuesdays – 9am to noon.

Always been a bit fearful of taking on the challenge of painting seascapes, and the ocean? This workshop will take participants through the steps of creating seascapes, using acrylic paint, getting the colour and texture of the water to work well, using colour, form and texture to capture the energy of the ocean, and it’s environs. This workshop would be suitable for most skill levels. This six week course will be about the ocean, and how to paint the water, but also taking in the beach scape and the dune environment, boats and how we draw/paint simple boat forms, as well as extending the knowledge of painting waves and water to include understanding and creating transparency and light refraction in water. 

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